Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst.
Perhaps you need a reminder for yourself or someone you know. Self-talk works for others while a physical reminder like a wall art or something that represents “Happy” colors may help. I love it when my brother would remind me to “BE HAPPY” especially during the pandemic. One of the things that make me happy is taking the moment to pray and being grateful for what I have such as a loving supportive family. Turn the negative to positive! So many books and articles are available on this subject. Our trusted family and friends have a few ideas to share as well.
Perhaps reminders to positivity would be wear a pretty bright scarf, drink from the “Happy” coffee mug, carry a vibrant yellow tote bag, tie a yellow scarf around your dog’s neck, or wake up in the morning with your “Sunny” display on the wall. A vibrant yellow, gray and black Floor pillow such as below might help especially for those working from home. After all, we need to stretch our back once in a while, right?
Visit our store for more product selections. Stay safe and healthy!

Please share the “Happy” reminders you would like to add. Thank you and Take care!